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Sarbanes Oxley Compliance



The receipt of anonymous submissions.

Report it provides multiple conduits for anonymous submission by employees.

The retention of anonymous submissions.
Our proprietary web-base platform provides a complete report management and retention system for your audit committee, or other selected report recipients, to retain and manage anonymous reports.

The treatment of anonymous submissions.
The Report it system provides a detailed account of the reported situation that enables report recipients to effectively evaluate its validity and/or severity and initiate an investigation if deemed necessary. Report it also includes a follow-up feature that enables designated report recipients to reconnect and interact with the anonymous reporter, as well as document actions taken.

   Power your ethics hotline with the Report it, the turnkey solution for Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance.

Easy to implement.
  Making Report it your third party ethics and compliance hotline is as easy as 1,2,3.
  Complete implementation within 24-72 hours for most set-ups.

Multiple channels for the receipt of anonymous submissions by employees.
  Secure online and toll-free hotline.

Client specific web interface.
Convey your company’s commitment to ethics and corporate governance.

Custom features to meet your specific hotline needs and objectives.
  Reporting categories along with reporting scripts and features.

Program awareness material.
  Service introduction brochures, posters, and wallet cards for your employees and facilities.

Automated report alert system for multiple designated recipients.
  Immediate notification when a report has been submitted.

Around the clock support.
  24/7 live operators, system monitoring and support.

Secure report retrieval, management and retention center for designated report recipients.
  Securely retrieve, manage, and archive reports with our case management system.

  View and manage reports securely, from anywhere, and at anytime.

Follow-up report resolution.
  Continue a dialog with the original source (anonymous reporter) in a secure anonymous and confidential manner.

  The ability to make service parameter changes any time during the service term.

Safe Harbor Policy Report it is a division of Report-it.com ™ Copyright ©1999-2012 Report-it.com Inc. All Rights Reserved
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